Oracle Apps Techo-Functional

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Set JDeveloper for OAF Projects

Step 1: Configure Environment

Create an Environment Variable to set the folder path where the OAF files will be created and saved. This will be useful to run multiple versions of OAF JDeveloper.

Go to My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced tab -> Environment Variables -> Click on “New” button to create a new Environment variable.

Environment Variable setup

Variable Setting

Value : D:\90000373\DATA\Software\jDeveloper_patches\jdevhome (Path define where u installed p9879989_R12_GENERIC zip folder)

Launch Jdeveloper:
Run jdevW to launch the JDeveloper from the path D:\OAF\jdevbin\jdev\bin.
Create a desktop shortcut to launch it quickly.

Step 2: E- Business Set up 

Goto System Administrator ->  System -> Find the profile

1.       FND: Diagnostics

2.       Search Profile : Personalize Self-Service Defn

1.       Then Go to Security –> user -> Define 

 Add responsibility:

  1.        OA Framework ToolBox Tutorial
  2.   OA Framework ToolBox Tutorial Labs  
Then click as “About this page” in e-business page in bottom

 Open the page -> Java System properties
Find the File name : Cln1.dbc (database connection FBC Soruce File ) , Copy the FTP download from FTP
Example: /u03/oracle/CLN1/inst/apps/cln1_tcmhq-crp2-app02/appl/fnd/12.0.0/secure
Download file : cln1.dbc

Next Step : Copy the file under the jdeveloper path folder
Refer screen shot . where need to path the cln1.dbc file 


Configure the database connection.

  • Connections tab on Navigator panel.
  • Right-click Database, select New Database Connection
  • Name the connection
  • Username = apps (This is the database user to which you are going to connect. Within E-Business Suite, the master database user that has access to all the E-Business Suite database objects is apps.)
  • Password = apps (The default password for the apps database user is apps. Note: On production servers or any server requiring security, it is important that this password has been changed.)
  • Set the host name and SID. If you don’t know the settings, look at the DBC file.
  • Test the connection
  • Finish
  Setup and Run the sample
  1. Click the Applications Navigator tab.
  2. Choose File > Open > myprojects > toolbox.jws.
  3. Expand toolbox in the Applications Navigator panel.
  4. Double-click Tutorial to open Project Properties window.(refer the Below screen shot )
  5. Expand the Oracle Applications menu entry.
  6. Choose Oracle Applications > Runtime Connection.
  7. Set the DBC File Name to the directory and name for your DBC file.
  8. Click the Save All icon to save your progress
  9. Expand Tutorial.
  10. Expand the Web Content folder. 
 Right-click test_fwktutorial.jsp, and choose Run.  

Final the Sample java file :